Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Concept Sketches: Miss Fanni

So here's a sketch for another supporting character (with an actual name!). I was (and still am) a huge Boy Meets World fan. I grew up on it and still think it's a great show. One of the main characters I really gravitated to was Mr. Feeney. His character was somewhere between father figure and arbiter of all morality for the young students he taught. Whenever there was a problem or moral dilemma he would swoop in, dump some old school knowledge on them and watch them sort it out. The show, later on, made numerous parodies of this idea making for some humorous moments, but I'm getting off track.

While still holding my cards a bit closer to my chest I will say that Miss Fannibender (aka Miss Fanni... see what I did there?) will be greatly influenced by the Mr. Feeney of my childhood with more of a motherly bent to her apporach. The final design has not been solidified yet but the general look has been. Enjoy!

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